Hi, my name is Nexuz and welcome to The Stormfall Alliance. This
place is dedicated to the miniature game War-
machine, I myself play the Retribution of
Scyrah, a faction of elves which, in contrast to popu-
lar fantasy belief that all elves are tree huggers, the
elves from the Retribution are anything but. They are
angry, vengeful people who will do whatever is ne-
cessary to defeat their enemies.

 I will save the history lesson for later, what I would
like to say however, is that i do not update every day,
or only once a month, I shall update when I can within
the constraints of my time...so please be patient.

 That should be all for now, enjoy my posts and re-
member: "Play like you've got a pair!!"...even if you
don't really have a pair :D
