Playing defensively with Retribution

In Warmachine, one of the most important factors can be found in the famous page 5 of the rule book “Victory favors the aggressor” in which the outlined truth is based upon the game being based and played from relentless attack towards your enemies. Like in chess, most games of Warmachine follow one simple strategy, kill the enemy caster/lock, and this can be achieved in one of two ways: assassination rush or taking away the enemies army (which is pretty much the same thing in chess, go for the checkmate or take away opponent materials).

 But I wonder if there is even a slightest chance for a more defensive style of play, all armies posses artilleries, but most don’t use them under the commentary (or complaint) that they don’t do much unless they: A. posses super long range, B. extremely high damage output and/or huge templates, or C. insane accuracy. Under these circumstances, most players don’t use any of their artilleries (with exception of Khador whose mortar team has both A and B, and pirates whose artillery has a combination of all 3 plus different attack types allowing them to be flexible in their destruction) and let them gather dust or simply not buy them at all and miss out on opportunities to play different lists and try out combinations and how to use the artilleries.

 Enough of that though, my job today will be exploring lists of 35 and 50 points with at least 2 different warcasters and try to have the theme being defense not offense, in which case artilleries will be used along with a lot of ranged and some melee to back it up in case things get sour. As a defensive style list, consideration must be taken into some important factors such as caster, units, solos and terrain; for now I will go piece by piece with each one and explain how every part of the army works with one another to create a nice combination of survivability and damage output.

 First, we need a warcaster, personally, I chose Adeptis Rhan given his awesome control area, massive focus pool and a plethora of spells for moving, slamming and blasting enemies while adding some survival and protection to the army; but one could also put Ravyn since a chunk of the list will have range and she can augment the ranged capabilities of the army, we shall look at 2 lists, one with Rhan and one with Ravyn. Note: im not saying the other 3 (4 with Ossyian) casters aren’t good for this, but Garryth is mostly a solo assassin and prefers to play in the front, Vyros is actually not a bad idea, since the Birds Eye helps the jacks get their attacks where needed and Kaelyssa could play defense, but her style is more based upon anti-magic and draining focus/fury, although her feat is the most defensive of the lot.

 Rhans list: Obviously being Rhan arc nodes are a must and since we will begin at 35 points, a Chimera is the best addition for this, with Apparition and extra Def against ranged and magic attacks due to Phantasmal Field, Rhan could keep 3 focus on it at most times and let it be hard to hit from afar, next lets add a Hydra, while most other jacks would be better for a normal list, the Hydra stands out thanks to its  Force Cannon, reaching a range and POW of 15 and never needing too much focus since it can keep them every turn, while its melee ability is low, the Chain Attack helps for keeping enemies away from important models and throwing heavies at units and solos. Adding another warjack could help, but with such few points, we will wait until the 50 point mark if we can add more jacks.  

 Next is solos, since we are running jacks, one Arcanist will be enough to help with focus expenditure and melee ability when things get too close, next, one Houseguard Heavy Rifle team can keep enemy heavies and lights at bay with their Armor Piercing rounds, finally we will add Eyriss, Mage Hunter of Ios for her ranged flexibility and ability to disrupt enemy jacks. The Heavy Rifle will be placed behind the units or in places where they will have the ranged advantage and shoot at medium or larger targets to ensure maximum damage and Eyriss will be on the lookout for enemy heavies and solos.

 Finally, the units, given the defensive aspect of the list, a full unit of Houseguard Halberdiers with UA and Soulles Escort for defending the frontlines and acting as a shield for the ranged elements of the army, one minimum unit of Houseguard Riflemen for their extra long range and finally one unit of Stormfall Archers for dealing with massed low arm and/or Stealth units and solos. The Halberdiers should keep to triangle formations and hold the line to keep the back part of the army safe, they got chosen over the other melee options  (Sentinels, Destors, etc.) mainly because of low point cost and the Ranked Attacks ability allowing the rest of the army to ignore them completely and land their shots where they will hurt most; the Riflemen chosen over the other ranged elements (Invictors, Mage Hunter Strike Force, etc.) because of naturally long range and Combined Ranged Attack (note: they do not have UA because of point restriction and the fact that they will not be shooting into melee and/or attacking from up-close, since there are only 6 of them, where and how those shots must be taken will make a huge difference); the Stormfall Archers will use their flexibility to take on infantry swarm and Stealth plus can deal with harder targets via Brutal Shot, but they will be an invaluable asset against enemy Shield  Wall and Defensive Line troops thanks to Star Strike.

 The list will look like this:

 Adeptis Rhan +6 WJ points

 -Chimera, 6 points

 -Hydra, 9 points

Arcanist, 1 point

Eyriss, Mage Hunter, 3 points

Heavy Rifle Team, 2 points

Stormfall Archers, 5 points

Houseguard Riflemen (min.), 5 points

Houseguard Halberdiers (full) +UA, 9 points

 -Soulles Escort

 Total: 35 points

 Conclusion, the list doesn’t have many models that hit hard, so careful use of abilities and attacks will ensure either victory or defeat, plus, this list being completely  experimental means that winning will be difficult until it gets tested, tried and redone multiple times. Rhan’s job will be keeping everyone alive and using his Telekinesis, Force Hammer, Chain Blast and other spells to destroy the enemy and keep his side alive... Now onto the 50 point list, seeing as how we have 15 extra points, adding stuff will be difficult, since at 50 most players can over indulge in maxing out infantry , solos and warjacks/warbeasts to hit harder and/or stronger…with that  in mind, perhaps the new Arcantrik Force Generator is a great addition, the flexibility of this huge artillery piece will benefit greatly, since now  the other elements of the army can focus on attacking other parts while the Generator can thin out infantry or deal with other threats, in a pinch it can slightly stall enemies via Momentum and since it has Polarity Field, getting to it will be difficult (but not impossible, watch out!). The Generator will also augment the range of our warjacks, so plant the Hydra in btb to enhance it Force Cannon up to a whooping 17 inches, the other 5 points could be spent on a Ghost Sniper and filling out the Riflemen unit to full.

 This list will look like so:

Adeptis Rhan +6 WJ points

 -Chimera, 6 points

 -Hydra, 9 points

Arcantrik Force Generator, 10 points

Arcanist, 1 point

Ghost Sniper, 2 points

Eyriss, Mage Hunter, 3 points

Heavy Rifle Team, 2 points

Stormfall Archers, 5 points

Houseguard Riflemen (full), 8 points

Houseguard Halberdiers (full) +UA, 9 points

 -Soulles Escort

 Total: 50 points

 Conclusion: again, the list will take some getting used to, the Hydra will be in btb contact with the Generator to increase its maximum ranged threat, and the Riflemen will be filled to deal with more enemies and harder targets.

Enter the Light

Now onto Ravyn: the Ravyn lists are essentially the same, but with Ravyn in them…this changes a lot of things, first, given her dual nature, one can mix it up, but it’d be best to change a few things in order to take advantage of her spell list and abilities.

 First we should change the Hydra for a Manticore, given the dual nature, the defensive of this will be using Sniper with the Covering Fire to close off small routes and protect friendly models. Trade the Chimera for a Griffon and use it for flank protection and bogging down enemies with ranged or other threats. With3 extra points left, it’s a good idea to fill the Riflemen unit now.


 The 35 point Ravyn list will look like:

 Ravyn +6 WJ points

 -Griffon, 4 points

 -Manticore, 8 points

Arcanist, 1 point

Eyriss, Mage Hunter, 3 points

Heavy Rifle Team, 2 points

Stormfall Archers, 5 points

Houseguard Riflemen (full), 8 points

Houseguard Halberdiers (full) +UA, 9 points

 -Soulless Escort

 Total: 35 points

 Conclusion: in difference to the Rhan list, this one is a bit more aggressive, using the Manticore for Covering Fire and destroying the toughest targets, the Griffon will flank, protect flanks and tie up enemies when needed, the rest works pretty much the same, but Ravyn can increase any of our threats with Snipe and Veil of Mist will be a nice deterrent against ranged elements and charging opponents. Annihilator can serve against low arm troopers and gaining extra movement, but since she has no arc node, save for the fighting gets too close. Her feat will bring about huge casualties and can make the turning point in most any game, she also adds to the list damage output thanks to her Blaster on ranged and Thresher in melee, giving her options against multiple opponents.

 Her 50 points list will have almost the as the Rhan one, but here, one can exchange the Arcantrik Force Generator for the Dsicordia, since under her feat, every attack roll is boosted and with a SP 10 and POW 14, a lot of things could die easily…but that is decision of the player, any of the 2 are excellent choices, also add a Ghost Sniper and another Soulless Escort plus the Riflemen UA to increase defense against up close and personal enemies, but again, the riflemen UA could be traded for another Heavy Rifle Team to maximize Armor Piercing carnage.

 The list would then be:

 Ravyn +6 WJ points

 -Griffon, 4 points

 -Manticore, 8 points

Arcantrik Force Generator OR Discordia, 10 points either one

Arcanist, 1 point

Ghost Sniper, 2 points

 Eyriss, Mage Hunter, 3 points

Heavy Rifle Team (2 if Riflemen UA not taken), 2 points (or 4)

Stormfall Archers, 5 points

Houseguard Riflemen (full) +UA, 10 points

Houseguard Halberdiers (full) +UA, 9 points

 -Soulless Escort, 1 point

Soulles Escort (unit of choice), 1 point

 Total: 50 points

 Conclusion: somewhat like the 50 point Rhan list, the Generator can focus on units and others so that our units attack harder targets and solos, if Discordia is taken, he gives more options against Stealth and can kill various enemies thanks to his spray attack…under Ravyns feat, the Discordia can cause havoc if used well. The Generator can also be more of a threat if Snipe is casted upon it, making it up to range 20 with various attack types and excellent accuracy; the extra Soulless escort can be given to any of the units in the list, giving them protection from magic and some melee defense if things get too close.


 So that’s that, I set out to try and make lists with the sole intention of defense in mind…while Warmachine is mostly for aggressive play, maybe the best things to describe this particular conundrum would be the ole’saying : “the best defense is a good offense” …or vice versa.
 The lists are still theory and only trial and error will be the judge of their true effectiveness, one weakness will be a swarm of infantry and solos who posses very high ARM and can take a beating…plus a Stealth since the only things in the lists to deal with Stealth are the AOE’s, also, opponents who can go around my shooting and get up close will be a problem, since not many attacks are magical.

 The other, very important thing is the terrain and army placement…one wrong army deployment could mean losing without being able to put up a fight and losing effectiveness of your attacks, scan and study the battlefield and choose the best spots for artillery, units and defense placement ( forests, hills, ruins, trenches, open spaces, obstacles, walls, etc.)…also keep in mind your enemies, knowing what they do, when and how plus their stats and weapons can help change the tide of battle. Another note happens to be the melee aspects in here, the Halberdiers main task will be defending the ranged elements and providing a solid frontline against melee enemies…but consider there is only one unit, while some may die, try and keep as many as you can alive…being defensive, apply your knowledge of the battlefield, your defensive options and let the enemy come to you, if needed, move forward but don’t rush and meet them so that your big guns can do the most damage, only practice will eventually lead to victory.

 One last thing, these lists are made by just one guy (me…) but they can serve as guidelines and suggestions for others to make better and stronger armies like the ones here…I implore you all to be creative and try out different things.

FINAL NOTE: the images seen here are copyright of PrivateerPress
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